Love Your Library Month

This September, libraries across Allegheny County are inviting residents to show their love!

4Love Your Library, a first of its kind county-wide campaign developed by the Allegheny County Library Association and Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, encourages residents to invest in their local libraries.

Thanks to the generous support of the Jack Buncher Foundation, the many donations made to Allegheny County libraries throughout September will all be matched. All donations of up to $500 per donor will count toward the match. At the conclusion of the campaign, libraries will receive a pro-rated portion of the $125,000 match pool to support their general operations, based on the total funds they raise. This special campaign coincides with the American Library Association’s National Library Card Sign-Up Month. Be sure to show YOUR love! And if you don’t have a library card, now is the perfect time to get one – and discover what you’ve been missing.

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