PA Forward Star Libraries
In 2017, the Pennsylvania Library Association launched their PA Forward Star Library program to raise awareness of library programs and offerings that help Pennsylvania citizens improve their command of five types of literacy – basic, information, civic & social, health, and financial.
The Star Library recognition offers support to libraries who participate and incorporate the literacies in their programming activities. Those libraries are recognized for meeting benchmarks with the bronze, silver and gold star levels of the Star Library program.
As part of the program, logos on the libraries’ event flyers, social media posts and web site will identify which literacy the event supports. Examples of programs that meet PA Forward criteria for literacies include assisting patrons with improving computer skills, presenting story times to preschool children, and partnering with health-related organizations as a host site for discussions.
“More and more libraries are understanding how they are an essential component of moving PA forward,” said Pennsylvania Library Association Executive Director Christi Buker. “Libraries are community pillars that offer a significant array of programs and resources. Libraries, and the professionals in the building, use these resources to invest in the local community. In turn, individuals will benefit from these investments through improvements in their own lives. Stronger individuals can then contribute to the community, the economy, our children and schools, and thereby help all of Pennsylvania move forward.”
To date, in Allegheny County, Mt. Lebanon and Baldwin Borough Public Libraries have achieved Bronze status and Bethel Park Public Library and Western Allegheny Community Library have achieved Gold status. The ACLA library directors have challenged each other to have 100% participation and recognition by the end of 2018.
Community Impact Award
In December 2017, The Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce celebrated their ROCs Awards (Recognizing Organizations and Companies that Shine) and announced Monroeville Public Library as the winner of the Community Impact Award. This award recognizes an organization engaged in civic and community services that goes beyond normal responsibilities to create a lasting and beneficial impact for local residents and business, one that sets the standard for commitment to public service and a dedication to helping others.