Welcoming Week 2015 brings together immigrants and U.S. born citizens in their communities through activities to inspire a spirit of unity and civic participation. Last year, newcomers and longtime residents participated in events throughout the country that ranged from multicultural festivals and panel discussions to film screenings and naturalization ceremonies. Libraries across the country hosted a myriad of events that educated and brought awareness to their communities about the cultures and lives of refugees and immigrants living in their areas, as well as highlighted the cultural and linguistic assets that immigrant and refugees bring to their newly adopted communities.
For 2015, more than 50 cities and counties have signed on as members, including Allegheny County and the City of Pittsburgh. The Allegheny County Library Association (ACLA) is supporting Welcoming Week. Our public libraries are an important resource for civic engagement and community outreach, and have the ability to foster the kind of inclusion and welcoming atmosphere that helps immigrants thrive in their new cities and ultimately benefits the community as a whole.
The momentum for creating a national movement of welcoming communities that value the unique contributions and shared opportunities for prosperity that immigrants bring has grown, culminating in the newly created White House Task Force on New Americans which recently released its strategic action plan that emphasizes the value of creating responsive, local level partnerships to foster positive immigrant integration.
For more information on library activities for Welcoming Week, please visit our event calendar or your local library’s website.
[btn size=”small” text=”View the Event Calendar” tcolor=”#ffffff” thovercolor=”#ffffff” link=”#“]
Other Resources and Information:
Get involved in Welcoming Week activities.
[btn size=”small” text=”Get Involved” tcolor=”#ffffff” thovercolor=”#ffffff” link=”http://www.welcomingamerica.org/get-involved/national-welcoming-week-2015/” target=”true”]
Explore the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Interactive Story, Odysseys: People From Around the Globe Have Made Their Way to Pittsburgh, and tell your own story.
[btn size=”small” text=”Explore Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Interactive Story” tcolor=”#ffffff” thovercolor=”#ffffff” link=”http://newsinteractive.post-gazette.com/odysseys/” target=”true”]
See Whitehall Public Library’s LEARN Bus in action.
[btn size=”small” text=”Whitehall Public Library’s LEARN Bus” tcolor=”#ffffff” thovercolor=”#ffffff” link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dj9dWSow6c” target=”true”]
View recent issues of the Welcoming PGH Newsletter here, and subscribe to the newsletter here.
[btn size=”small” text=”View Welcoming PGH Newsletters” tcolor=”#ffffff” thovercolor=”#ffffff” link=”http://us9.campaign-archive1.com/home/?u=cdef6f9e23989489c73eb6ffc&id=e4ffa6eeba” target=”true”] [btn size=”small” text=”Subscribe to the Newsletter” tcolor=”#ffffff” thovercolor=”#ffffff” link=”http://pittsburghpa.us9.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=cdef6f9e23989489c73eb6ffc&id=e4ffa6eeba” target=”true”]
The Allegheny County Department of Human Services’ Scan and Needs Assessment: Immigrants and Refugees in Allegheny County.
[btn size=”small” text=”Learn More” tcolor=”#ffffff” thovercolor=”#ffffff” link=”http://www.alleghenycounty.us/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=40189″ target=”true”]
The Welcoming Pittsburgh Plan: A Roadmap for Change.
[btn size=”small” text=”Read More” tcolor=”#ffffff” thovercolor=”#ffffff” link=”http://apps.pittsburghpa.gov/mayorpeduto/WelcomingPittsburgh_RoadMap_FullReport_FINAL2.pdfhttp:/apps.pittsburghpa.gov/mayorpeduto/WelcomingPittsburgh_RoadMap_FullReport_FINAL2.pdf” target=”true”]