A Word From Our CEO, Amy Anderson: Year Two in Review
As 2023 comes to a close, I am so happy with the work that ACLA and our libraries have done to make the library experience a great one for all. From our new online catalog that, among many great features, helps make our “library of things” stand out and be more visible to the community, […]
A Word From Our CEO, Amy Anderson: Libraries are here to support students going back to school
There are three words that produce a wide variety of emotions this time of year: back to school. While those words might bring sadness into the hearts of some and joy to others, the Allegheny County Library Association want you to know that we have your back, no matter how you feel! Our public libraries […]
A Word From Our CEO, Amy Anderson: Thank you, RAD!
The Allegheny County Library Association and its members would like to thank the Allegheny Regional Asset District (RAD) for its continued dedication to the county’s libraries. With the generous support of RAD through its annual allocation, the RAD Transformative Community Libraries Grant, and 2023’s additional line item support of $3 million, Allegheny County’s libraries will […]
A Word From Our CEO, Amy Anderson: Year One in Review
I can hardly believe that it has already been a year since I started my work here at ACLA. I knew before I began that it would be a challenging year of learning a new job, in a new community, with all new faces and expectations. While this year has not always been easy, I […]
A Word From Our CEO, Amy Anderson: Libraries Are Transforming Our Communities
The libraries of Allegheny County have always worked hard to serve in ways that build their communities and make them stronger. The services they provide not only work to educate and entertain but to also inspire and unite. All our libraries have found ways to meet the needs of their communities and we could not […]
A Word From Our CEO, Amy Anderson: Strong Commitment
The Allegheny County Library Association has always maintained a strong commitment to the county’s public libraries. From the organization’s inception in response to the need for cooperation among libraries at the county level to the work we do today to promote shared services and opportunities, ACLA has always been and will always be committed to […]
A Word From Our CEO, Amy Anderson: A Warm Welcome
Hello and thank you all so much for the warm welcome I have received so far. I have always wanted to come back to Pittsburgh and I am so excited to be here working with the libraries of Allegheny County. Over the next several months, I want to learn more about the communities throughout Allegheny […]